The Sepulchre Guard are a carefully selected group of Worthy Knights chosen by the R.Ill. Intendant General for the purpose of fulfilling ceremonial and ritual roles within the Division.
The most important duty they perform is in the ceremonies conferring the Appendant Orders, together with providing escorts and guards of honour at the annual meeting of the Divisional Conclave. In addition, a detachment of the Guard accompany the Intendant-General whenever he and the Divisional Officers make the official Divisional visit to the selected Conclaves each year.
The Northumberland Divisional Sepulchre Guard travel around the division with the Intendant-General. They provide assistance during certain ceremonies and help escort distinguished guests into and out of the temple.
The Divisional Sepulchre Guard consists of a Captain, Deputy Captain and such number of Guards as appointed by the Intendant-General.
All members are invested with the insignia of the Sepulchre Guard suspended from a purple collarette. It is worn at all Red Cross and KHS meetings and subsequent Festive Boards within the Northumberland Division. The collarette must be worn under the shirt collar.
When engaged on Divisional Sepulchre Guard duties a sword is worn. The scabbard must be red or black. It is preferable for a Guard to possess his own sword, but it is often possible to borrow one from a Conclave or other member of the Order. Instruction on sword drill and ceremonial duty is regularly given by the Captain or his Deputy.
In addition to their primary role Divisional Guards are expected to attend the Annual Divisional Meeting to perform ceremonial duties and, where applicable, be re-appointed for the following year. They may also be requested to attend any ‘Divisional Visit’ to a Conclave and other occasions at the wish of the Intendant-General.
Soon after the Divisional Meeting, members of the guard are contacted by the Captain of the Guard, informing them of dates and locations of KHS ceremonies and other occasions that their attendance has been requested throughout the year. Each member must reply ASAP signifying their availability, Conclave Recorders are then informed of the availability of the Sepulchre Guard.
Other than the Captain and Deputy Captains, appointed members of the Guard are usually Worthy Knights and only relinquish their membership after being enthroned as MPS unless dispensation is granted by the Intendant General of Northumberland.